This site provides you with information about all the packages available in the Ubuntu Package archive.
- xenial (16.04LTS)
- xenial-updates
- xenial-backports
- bionic (18.04LTS)
- bionic-updates
- bionic-backports
- 坚果加速器app官网
- eoan-updates
- eoan-backports
- focal (20.04LTS)
- focal-updates
- 坚果加速器app官网下载
- groovy
There is also a list of packages recently added to groovy.
Old releases can be found at 「 坚果安全 」坚果安全(手机安全防护软件)新版下载 - U大师:2021-6-22 · 坚果安全安卓版是一款简单易用、功能全面的手机安全防护软件。该软件不仅具备伢化杀毒功能,还有一键清理手机垃圾、手机加速等功能,坚果安全你值得拥有。.
安卓手机软件下载 - 非凡手机软件 - · 非凡安卓手机软件频道提供海量免费,热门的安卓必备软件供广大手机用户下载,欢迎来到非凡手机软件频道。 GO桌面是美、好用的Android手机桌面美化应用,为用户提供手机界面美化、应用智能管理、系统效能提升的功能,丰富的主题、壁纸、特效和桌面设置,让你的手机好用又好玩!
for the search on package names.
for the search on source package names.
This search engine allows you to search the contents of Ubuntu distributions for any files (or just parts of file names) that are part of packages. You can also get a full list of files in a given package.
- 坚果加速器app官网下载
- 坚果加速器安卓版下载-坚果加速器官网版下载v1.0.2-思旺下载:2021-2-6 · 想找一款好用的网络加速器吗,那么不妨试试这款坚果加速器app,使用这款软件后,可伡让你告别延迟等问题,有兴趣的小伣伴不妨来下载试试吧,相信一定不会让你失望的。
- 2025-12-10
- 手徕徕棋牌手机版下载- 全方位下载:2021-3-25 · 徕徕棋牌一款不可多得的顶级伛闲棋牌大作,其中内设地道的传统棋牌对战玩法,同时融入不少的新颖内容让玩家畅享,精湛的界面设计伡及个性化十足的操控体验为玩家带来最为舒适的娱乐pk环境,成熟的规则体系和先进防助手系统为
- 2025-04-23
- Reflect disco release, add eoan, remove trusty.
- 2018-11-15
- Really remove artful, reflect comsic release, add disco.
- 2018-08-11
- Remove artful.
- 2018-05-05
- Really remove zesty, reflect bionic release, add cosmic.
- 2018-02-27
- Remove EOLed zesty.
- 2017-10-30
- Reflect artful release, add bionic.
- 2017-08-10
- Remove EOLed yakkety, set zesty as default.
- 2017-05-17
- Reflect zesty release, add artful, remove precise.
- 2016-10-27
- Reflect yakkety release, add zesty, remove wily.
- 2016-04-22
- Reflect xenial release, add yakkety, remove vivid.
- 2016-04-19
- Add to package list and show those architectures, too.
- 2015-10-27
- Reflect wily release, add xenial, remove utopic.
- 2015-06-02
- Reflect vivid release, add wily, remove lucid.
- 2014-11-12
- Reflect utopic release, add vivid.
- 2014-08-29
- Properly fix changelog link. Update footer to add 'report a bug' link.
- 2014-08-13
- Fix changelog and copyright links, comment out patch tracker URL.
- 坚果加速器vip破解
- Remove raring and saucy.
- 2014-04-29
- Reflect trusty release, add utopic, remove quantal.
- 2013-10-24
- Reflect saucy release, add trusty.
- 2013-04-30
- 坚果安全安卓版下载|坚果安全安卓版官方手机版 4.4.0 - 系统天堂:2021-3-30 · 坚果安全安卓版是一款类似于360手机卫士的安卓手机安全防护软件!软件功能强大,提供手机加速、极速伢化、骚扰拦截、病毒查杀、语音信箱和短信弹窗等实用功能,界面简单清爽,功能独特实用,别的防护软件能做到的它都能够实现,是您的手机好伴侣。
- 2013-01-21
- Updated to new branding guideline, patch by Marco Biscaro.
- 2012-10-22
- Reflect quantal release, add raring, remove natty.
- 2012-05-03
- Reflect precise release, add quantal, remove maverick.
- 2011-10-14
- 坚果加速器app软件下载_坚果加速器客户端下载v1.0.0 - 下 ...:2021-5-6 · 《坚果加速器》软件特色: 1.特殊的加密技术和完善的安全保护系统,匿名互联网访问,保护您的真实IP。2.使用坚果加速器,告别“吃鸡”延迟!3.坚果加速器安卓版特有的独特高智能云加速技术,超大带宽无限流量为您带来愉悦的网络访问体验。
- 2011-04-28
- Reflect natty release, add oneiric, remove karmic.
- 2010-10-10
- Reflect maverick release, add natty, remove jaunty.
- 坚果nuts加速器官网
- Reflect lucid release, add maverick, remove intrepid.
- 2009-10-30
- Reflect karmic release, add lucid.
- 坚果加速器app官网下载
- Reflect jaunty release, add karmic, remove gutsy
- 2009-02-21
- Remove feisty.
- 坚果加速器vip破解
- Add jaunty.
- 2008-10-30
- Reflect intrepid release.
- 2008-06-10
- 2008-04-28
Added intrepid
- 2008-04-26
Adapted for hardy release. Removed the obsolete powerpc data for hardy. I'm currently evaluation if and how I should include information about packages here. Since is currently unusable I use as source for the data until the situation normalizes again.
- 2008-02-21
The downtime today was caused by some yet undiagnosed kernel troubles after a faulty hard disk was exchanged. Sorry for any inconvenience.
- 2008-02-19
Switched to the newer codebase that also runs on The two most important changes for users are that most pages are now generated dynamically (which makes for faster updates and more flexibility) and that the search functions should be much faster now.
Still waiting for a volunteer that optimizes the used stylesheets, I myself have not much talent in this area...
- 2007-10-21
- Add hardy.
- 2007-10-18
- Change default release to gutsy.
- 2007-07-28
- Drop old releases since they also got dropped from
- 2007-04-29
- Feisty is released. Pages updated accordingly.
- 2006-11-20
- 坚果加速器安卓版下载- 全方位下载:2021-10-1 · 坚果加速器安卓 版 坚果加速器 时间:2021-10-01 大小: 时间:2021-10-01 星级: 立即下载 坚果加速器是一款运行流畅、稳定、高智能的手机加速软件。为用户提供国际专线、高效率加速运行、自动伢化、一键游戏加速等功能。解决玩家在玩游戏的 ...
- 坚果加速器下载_坚果加速器手机app下载 v1.0.0 - pk游戏网:2021-4-22 · 不论是追剧还是打游戏,加速器都是一个不可或缺的软件,坚果加速器就能够自动为你伢化网络,享受最佳国际专线网络,直接解决掉游戏中的登录延迟、掉线或者施运行卡顿问题,让游戏不再为了网络的事情而烦恼,快来试试吧!
- 2006-10-29
- 坚果加速器app下载_坚果加速器安卓版下载v5.0.1_3DM手游:2021-11-20 · 《坚果加速器》是一款游戏加速软件,在这款软件中,为大家来保障游戏网络的稳定,伡及游戏过程中的游戏进行的顺畅,避免了游戏的延迟,卡顿伡及掉线的情况的出现,为大家来营造最伢质的游戏的环境!感兴趣的小伣伴赶快来下载体验吧!
- 2006-10-18
- The "Bug reports" links now correctly point to Launchpad for all packages. Thanks to all the people that reported this error to me.
- I added an
to ban some people trying to mirror the site by means ofwget -r
. If forever reason you need to mirror the site please contact me by mail so we can do this by other means that won't stress the server as much.
- 2006-06-12
- 老王加速器app最新版下载_老王加速器安卓最新版下载_游戏窝:2021-4-24 · 游戏窝为您提供老王加速器最新版下载,《老王加速器最新版》中有着多样化的软件功能,占有的内存小,运行的速度非常的快,不会出现卡顿的现象,帮助用户更高的伢化他伞的游戏运行,运行十分稳定,带给你全新的加速体验,点击一键加速你就能够轻松拥有飞一般的网速体验了。
- 2006-01-17
I hope everyone had a good start into the new year. Some small status
- While looking at the log statistics I noticed that apparently
also points to my server without me knowing. I fixed the apache configuration so that it now knows about that and handles it correctly. - Linking to a CSS file on the official Ubuntu homepage was a bad idea and the page had some glitches when it disappeared. Most of the issues should be fixed by now.
- Sorry for any performance issues with the site. My little server is not always able to handle the many hits of this site (close to 2,000,000 per month). I guess I will have to search for another hosting solution in the near future.
- While looking at the log statistics I noticed that apparently
- 2005-10-13
- Changed all defaults to point to breezy
- 坚果nuts加速器官网
- The contents files are updated again, so I removed any warnings and added the appropriate links back
- The "Check for bug reports" links now point to Launchpad for universe/multiverse packages. Suggested by j -at- bootlab -dot- org.
- 坚果云扫描下载_坚果云扫描安卓版下载_坚果云扫描 2.3.1 ...:2021-11-9 · 坚果云扫描 介绍 坚果云扫描 坚果云扫描是一款无内置广告,解决文档 收集需求的专业文档管理 工具。坚果云扫描操作简单,界面清爽易用,可快速生成无水印高清 pdf并自动备份至坚果云云端。 每月赠送1GB上传流量,让扫描的文档安全备份,是真正的随身办公扫描伜。
- 2005-09-25
- I've merged the new changelog to HTML conversion code from the Debian branch. I still have no idea how to handle the requests to link Ubuntu bugs to the Ubuntu BTS and Debian bugs to the Debian BTS. Suggestions welcome.
- 2005-08-30
- 看国外视频加速器安卓 手机看视频加速器哪个好_8050网:2021-6-5 · 上一页责任编辑切换,单机麻将,视频,使用全程网络看国外视频加速器安卓稳定,有三种业务类型39,没有网络视频看国外视频加速器安卓,否则都达不到一个杰出的体验加速器结果,伢化了的配置和的,全网有针对性的伢化,业务经营,乐播投屏版,或者毗连掉败,云服务器镜像部署,很多海外 ...
- You can now also browse the packages from hoary-backports
- 2005-06-10
- I have begun to work on integrating the current Ubuntu web design with my pages. There are still some issues to work out but as a teaser I already converted the front page. Feel free to mail me with comments on how I could use the new layout better.
- 2005-04-14
- hoary is released and now this fact is also beginning to show on this page. Please report all errors you find with the new breezy pages.
- 2005-04-06
- The transition should be completed by now and I've installed some rewrite rules so that old URLs should also point to the new location. The changelog extraction script is still running so there are still some (more) broken links. Please report all other problems you might encounter.
- 2005-04-05
- From tomorrow on this site will be available at The necessary setup is done on both my side and on the side of the ubuntu people but I will use the occasion for some configuration clean-up and a full rebuild. Stay tuned ;)
- 2005-04-02
- On request of the MOTUs I've added links to the build logs for hoary packages.
- Also, the Portuguese LoCoTeam (hmm, Ubuntu teams have
all very l33t names ;) asked me
how to translate the pages. Here my answer:
At you can find some .pot files. Please translate them and send them back to me (You may want to take a look at the translations available at especially for files like langs.pot). This will ensure that at least the constant strings on all the pages are translated (Some of the strings in these file are only needed on
The translations of package descriptions I took from the DDTP (Debian Descriptions Translation Project) which seems to be rather inactive lately. Unless this is fully revived or another similar project is created there is little I can do on this front.
- Thanks to all people that provided me with positive feedback about these pages.
- 2005-03-02
- I talked briefly with Daniel Silverstone of Canonical at
FOSDEM. He said that Ubuntu
will get his own Packages page, but
It will be a while
. - 2005-01-24
- In the last two days there were several reboots of the server needed (kernel upgrades, activation and testing of a new rescue system). Sorry for any inconviences this caused.
- 2005-01-11
- There are changelogs and copyright files available now. I also added links to the Ubuntu bugzilla, but I'm not sure yet that they work completly. Feedback welcome. (Changelogs and copyright files may be missing for some packages since I can only mirror the i386 and powerpc debs due to space constraints)